Saturday 10 October 2015

Start the day with a Banana

How many bits of fruit do you need a day? It keeps changing. I'm assuming that fruit is still good for you and the government hasn't banned it.

I like my bananas and make the most of eating them. I understand that don't breed so if they catch a disease we might lose them forever. Anyway while they are here lets eats them.

As I have said I am just back from a trip that went from Nashville to Washington DC. 8 hotels in two weeks. From £200 per night suites to £30 motel room that I am sure was the Bates Hotel in another life. All these hotels try something to make them stand out against the others.

This hotel wrote cheery messages on their bananas. This was mine. I think I know what it says but you could read it another way, but anyway thanks it made my breakfast.   

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