Saturday 13 September 2014

Something Fishy in Norway

Hate Cuisine have just completed a short tour to Bergen in Norway. Lovely place to visit but this is not a travel blog its a food blog. So what do you try that might be a bit different? Well in Norway its got to be fish. Regular readers will know that Hate Cuisine think highly of Cod and Chips but in Norway I decided to go for something more exotic.

Prawns, Caviar, Monk Fish and ............ Whale Meat. Great food really fresh and at risk of upsetting the greens the Whale Meat was nice. Tasted just like ...... No not chicken but steak.

Ohhhh just one more thing before you head off to Norway. Take loads of money its expensive but worth it and not just for the Whale Meat and don't expect to hear ABBA songs.

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