Sunday 28 September 2014

A course made from coarse ingredients

I looked up the meaning of the word "Hash" and I did find a definition that said "A coarse mixture of ingredients"

I think that meaning somes up about everything that I cook. I try to keep coarse language to a minimum. After all there is only one Gordon Ramsay, but I think the word hash can easily be added to everything I cook. Never looks like the picture does it?

Anyway this offering does have hash in the titles and in my view the final result lived up to the definition. Sausage and Leek Hash a very simple weekend supper. Which was fortunate because I had just done a long walk and I didn't have much energy left to spend time cooking in the kitchen. But I did need some brownie points and my turn was long overdue. 

This course might be a coarse mixture of ingredients it was but it tasted ok and who cares what it really looks like when you can wash it down with a beer. Give it a go.

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