Dear Hate Cuisine
I'm writing to seek your advice again. Please can you help?
I have reached age 50 and I am worried that my prowess in the bedroom department that has never been great is now failing.
Whilst in Soho, London the other week I thought I would try a large portion of Monkey Glands in a effort to try and defeat the aging process.
I would like to know if Hate Cuisine thinks this will help?
Yours sincerely
Anon (for publishing purposes)
Dear Ian
Thank you for writing again to Hate Cuisine. Whoops sorry about publishing your name but a problem shared is a problem ummmm shared.
We at Hate Cuisine after having a good laugh at your problem feel that eating Monkey Glands are not the answer to your problem. You are likely to end up with large furry ears and an unusual liking to bananas.
Yours sincerely
Hate Cuisine Team
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