Sunday 2 March 2014

Eastern Promise

"Do something full of eastern promise" she said. After a moment of excitement I realised that she meant something to eat!!

Well this was my first go of something from my Vietnamese Street Food cookbook by Tracey Lister and Andreas Pohl. Vietnam was an exciting place to visit and the people were lovely. The food was clean and very healthy.

This offering is called Fish Patties with Coriander and Chilli in a Baguette or Banh mi cha ca. 

"Something small" I said to her when dishing it up. "size does not matter" she said.

One of the restaurants we tried in Vietnam was run by the KOTO organisation.
It is a worthwhile charity that gives disadvantaged youngsters opportunities in catering and hospitality in Vietnam. A model that could be used all over the world.

Back to the baguette. I can assure you it was lovely and it was filling.


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