Sunday 1 September 2013


Have you noticed how I changed the font colour to do a bit about this subject? Red and roadkill seemed to go.

I love America but why is it they spell colour color? They do and say things different to us although we supposedly use the same language. 

Montana has just passed a law that citizens can collect their roadkill which could include deer, elk and moose and take it home to eat. (thank you Daily Telegraph)

How close do we come to roadkill in the UK? Perhaps we manage to avoid the mad dashing squirrel running across in front of us as we come out of the supermarket. But we are not likely to see any Elk on the side of the road

What would I do if I came across a moose lying dead in the road? Perhaps a neat 3 point turn in the road back to the supermarket to buy some frozen chicken.

Safe driving and waste not want not.

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