Sunday 7 February 2016

Chips with that

Chips with that? Why is that a question? Of Course

The question should be what do you want with your chips? Or large chips or larger chips?

Here at Hate Cuisine we like chips as big as fingers. Here are a few that I saw at Portobello Road

Thursday 21 January 2016

Chocolate Relief

First blog of 2016 amazing another year gone. Well I'm lucky to be here because she tried to kill me!

I am not being dramatic. I found that she was giving me peanut butter that had passed its sell by date by over a year! When confronted she said "there is a newer jar in the cupboard why didn't you use that?" Why did she keep the older jar in the first place then?

I am going to search through all the cupboards to see what else has passed its date and throw them out. She said "the only thing that has passed its date in this house and needs chucking out is you"

After that insult and my near death experience I decided to console myself and make myself this chocolate cake. My daughter said "one slice is her daily calorie intake. Eat lots of that and it will kill you"

Well at least none of the ingredients are out of date!

Death my chocolate. Yummy.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Camden Market

Regular readers will know that I like visiting markets. The noise, smells and of course the street food.

I haven't been to Camden Market for a while. It never disappoints. Always buzzing. The only problem is what do you eat?

Saturday 24 October 2015

Recipe for Friendship

I am still looking for something that I am good at. I always say that my gift is being able to sleep anywhere at anytime. I am not going to get my name in lights or on a star on a walk of fame, but some people say it is a good gift.

Now Trisha Yearwood is someone who is gifted and gorgeous and can turn her hand to anything from music making to cooking. With all that talent she can do nothing wrong. Ohhh did I say that she is married to Garth Brooks. Well that balances the books slightly. Only joking Garth.

During my visit to Nashville I saw her recipe for friendship. Now that is worth a try. Now where did I put those bags of fun?

Saturday 10 October 2015

Start the day with a Banana

How many bits of fruit do you need a day? It keeps changing. I'm assuming that fruit is still good for you and the government hasn't banned it.

I like my bananas and make the most of eating them. I understand that don't breed so if they catch a disease we might lose them forever. Anyway while they are here lets eats them.

As I have said I am just back from a trip that went from Nashville to Washington DC. 8 hotels in two weeks. From £200 per night suites to £30 motel room that I am sure was the Bates Hotel in another life. All these hotels try something to make them stand out against the others.

This hotel wrote cheery messages on their bananas. This was mine. I think I know what it says but you could read it another way, but anyway thanks it made my breakfast.   

Size Matters

Here at Hate Cuisine we have always said that size does not matter it is the quality that counts. So when I made this cake it needed a tea spoon of baking powder. I did my man look in all the cupboards and couldn't find any. (Apparently we do have some but what is the point of putting things in cupboards behind something else?)

Anyway it was only a small ingredient so leaving it  cannot make that much difference can it?

Well I thought not. But this picture is from my second effort and it includes baking powder.

Toffee Apple and Pecan Cake. Really lovely. I have added the birthday candles so I could give it to my daughter as a birthday cake. Hope she gives me a piece and I am sure the baking powder made all the difference.

Music, Moonshine and Pancakes

Just back from my Nashville to Washington DC road trip. I had my fill of Music, Moonshine and Pancakes.

There is no better way to spend breakfast eating crispy bacon listening to blue grass music with a local tap dancing away to the beat. Ohhh did I say it was sunny?