Wednesday 5 December 2012

I've been lazy, we all have !!

We have all been slack lately !!! 

The good news is it's Christmas soon and this has inspired the Christmas Bake off Sunday where we are all tasked with Baking something this Sunday and bringing it in to work on Monday. Sounds genius and innovative doesn't it.

I hear sausage rolls may be explored !!!!!!!!!

Ok as I have been slack here are  some of my (or in some cases my girlfriends creations). Furthermore I certainly promise to crack on and update more.

I'm writing this as I am about to go to Willy Whatmans personal Christmas dinner in the County Town of Maidstone, Obviously pics to follow !

 I did a curry on Saturday which included turkey burgers, it was a kerala chicken curry and you need to measure your coconut milk to the decimal.
 The curry included a prawn starter, should have been raw jumbo prawns but Saino's were doing x3 for a £tenner !
 Gastro pub style photo of Ham egg and chips which i did last night
 The wonderful ham my girlfriend did, awesome ! (which the leftovers were used as the GASTRO style HEAC)
 The best Sunday night meal I  have ever  had


Happy Advent one and all

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