Saturday 18 January 2014

Fish and Chips. The saga continues

Here I am left alone again. So what do you have for tea when your by yourself? Fish and Chips......... perhaps the first fast food. Hate Cuisine likes fast food but does fast food like Hate Cuisine?

"You cannot eat that lot? You will regret it tomorrow" Yeah Yeah alright. Does it cause me to pile on the inches. Maybe but it does not seem to harm everyone as you can see from below. Perhaps the Fish and Chip industry should look at there marketing techniques.

Perfect Partners

I have thought about this a lot. What are perfect food partners? Fish and Chips, Jam and Toast and strawberries and cream. But what about eggs and bacon, or should that be bacon and eggs?

I thought for lunch I would try and mess with this perfect partnership and throw something else in the bed. A threesome. Naughty but would it work or would something be missing?

I made this lunch time dish. Duck eggs with bacon and sandwiched in the middle a sweet potato and spinach patties. 

Perhaps this naughty threesome works because of the sweet potato but then again bacon and eggs or eggs and bacon are still the perfect partners.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Does size matter?

Here at Hate Cuisine we say that size does matter, but now we are in that post Christmas period of saying "OMG I have eaten to much" perhaps size becomes less important. A good way to limit body size is to look at the size of the portions we eat. Do you find that you overload food on a plate? How about this offering from Healthy Portion Plate to regulate how much you have.

Maybe this is a much better design and gives a healthy selection than the Hate Cuisine offering.